Sabores y Fragancias

Desarrollamos soluciones y equipamientos fundamentales para la producción de los mejores aromas y saborizantes, en diversas presentaciones, cumpliendo con los estándares más competitivos del mercado.

Tecnologías de Proceso


Industrias Atendidas

Industrias Atendidas






Sistemas Sólidos

Tecnologías de Proceso para aplicaciones en Sabores y Fragancias.

Manejo de Materia Prima

  • Bines

  • Dumping Station

  • Descargador Big Bag

  • Sistema de Recepción y acopio

  • Pallet Porta Big Bag

Transporte y Dosificación

  • Columnas
  • Transporte Vacio
  • Tamiz
  • Desterronador
  • Separadores Magnéticos
  • Detector de Metales
  • Tornillo Dosificador


  • Prepesaje de Macros

  • Prepesaje de Medios

  • Prepesaje de Micros


  • Volteo

  • High Shear

  • Integración de sistemas de mezcla


  • Molinos Calibradores


  • Kompressor


  • Embolsador



  • Wip

  • Secado

  • Cabina de Lavado/Secado

Producto Terminado

  • Sabores y Esencias en Polvo

Sistemas Líquidos

Tecnologías de Proceso para Aplicaciones en Sabores y Fragancias.

Manejo de Materia Prima

  • Tanques de Almacenamiento
  • Dumping Station
  • Bines para Bases Sólidas
  • Sistema de Recepción y acopio
  • Descargador Big Bag

Transporte y Dosificación

  • Integración de Sistemas de Dosificación
  • Transporte Vacío
Transporte por vacío


  • Prepesaje de Macros

  • Prepesaje de Medios

  • Prepesaje de Micros

  • Presaje de Líquidos


  • Reactores

  • Disolutores

Transporte Producto Terminado

  • TK



  • Reactores

  • Integración de sistemas de enfriamiento


  • Wip

  • Secado

  • Cabina de Lavado/Secado

Producto Terminado

  • Sabores y Esencias Líquidas

Calibración de instrumentos y lazos de control

Asentamos nuestra identidad guiándonos por los parámetros universales de medición. 

Food industry

We offer integral solutions, employing first-rate equipment to transform raw material into a quality product adapted to your needs. We represent a key link to providing food for millions of people across the planet.

Pharmaceutical industry

In a world that drives us to be constantly evolving in projects related to human health, we offer comprehensive answers for plants and process lines with highly qualified personnel.

Nutraceutical Industry

By promoting a strategic partnership with your industry, we will achieve winning experience in plant solutions that will improve human quality, and we will create technology that is beneficial for health by providing improved products that will optimize your costs.

Chemical industry

We rely on a wide catalog of solutions, processing raw materials through the highest technology, to conceive chemical products that will meet the needs of millions of people around the world.

Cosmetic Industry

We simplify the production process of your industry by providing all necessary resources in an agile and simple way, accompanying you with a wide catalog of equipment aimed at meeting your demand.

Beverage Industry

For more than 30 years we have been designing and perfecting our production technology by employing the highest quality standards. Find in us your strategic partner to work from the design to the final product.

Veterinary Industry

We provide solutions that will allow maximum efficiency and productivity by reducing costs and setting up profitable processes that will enhance your competitiveness.

Flavors and Fragrances Industry

We develop solutions and fundamental equipment for producing the best aromas and flavorings, in various presentations, complying with the most competitive standards in the market.

Hygiene and Toilet Industry

Building on the experience that has aligned us with the latest trends, we manufacture equipment that meets the demands of the market, adopting the highest technology to provide you with the confidence and security you need

Animal Feed Industry

We create integral food solutions for the animal production industry, focused on the preparation of nutritional and fortifying substances that will promote healthy growth and development.

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